The Rivet Gang
The Band
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We are sad to report that Eric Johnson passed away from Melonoma on June 27th 2012. The remaining Rivets are wondering about our future. Godspeed Eric...


The idea for the Rivet Gang (version 2) sprang from deep within the mind of guitarist Eric Johnson while pondering the concept of an all acoustic band and nursing a cold PBR at Oniell's pub. He quickly recruited Jason on mandolin, Bassist Tony Watkins and multi-instrumentalist Darrell Sparks on various 6-string instruments. This motley bunch came from a variety of musical backgrounds: Jason had been the ear-bleeding electric guitarist for dimBulb, Cow Pilot, and the short lived but diesel fueled punk band Bronco Fly Spray. Eric, inspired by the Shaggs, Dylan and the Jam had previously steered Mumble and the Gutterleaves through the final decades haze of the 20th century. Mr. Watkins stepped up to the plate with that huge bass from the formal world of the symphony and last but not least, Robert D Sparks found time for us in between playing with The Selsuns and his brothers band, The Handsome Family.

The guys gig around Albuquerque with a host of original songs, and a few selected covers by the likes of the Meat Puppets, Social Distortion, the Stooges and Brian Eno.